
Marmoset toolbag 3 vs substance painter
Marmoset toolbag 3 vs substance painter


However for a height map for example, you could need a wider range than 0 to 1 and a better precision, so 16 bit or 32 bit can be useful and eventually float textures. meaning you have a 1/255 precision, which is usually enough. 8bit is usually enough because int values from 0 to 255 are mapped to 0 to 1 float values. A Normal map pixel represents a normalized direction vector. (a direction for the normal map, an elevation value for the height map, etc.).Īlso, on a side note, 32bit float for a normal map is way overkill. are in linear space, because they don't represent color, but data. However, most machine computed maps, like normal maps, height maps, ambient occlusion, etc. Most of the time colors you picked in a color picker because the "color looked good" through your screen display. Thanks for reading, and thanks for any information you can give on this topic.Īs a rule of thumbs you have to ask yourself "is this texture represent colors or data".ĭiffuse map,Specular map albedo or base color map represent color. Is it typical to lose the visual details of the height information when painting in less than 元2F set for the Height material bit depth? (I wonder if I'm thinking about this in the reversed way, and Marmoset is converting the image to sRGB when checked) Should I set the sRGB flag in Toolbag for all 32bit float Normal images exported from SubPainter? In other words, only the original normal map exported without the height details. So, when I went back to SubPainter and changed the flag to sRGB16, I noticed that my height information did not show up in the exported map. Unfortunately, the results were not as I expected them to be, and the effect only matched the effect seen in SubPainter when the sRGB flag was checked. Now, once in Toolbag2, I thought I should make sure that sRGB is Unchecked, since this is now a linear image. (as expected, a bit washed out due to the linear color space viewed on my RGB monitor) The maps blend perfectly, and all looks good. (knowing this will be exported as linear colorspace). So far, so good, and I exported the normal map at the default 元2F bit depth.

marmoset toolbag 3 vs substance painter

They both seem to offer PBR rendering (Marmoset seems to be focused here), and both seem to have some shader/material creation tools as well (Substance seems to be focused here). Im a little confused though where Substance ends and this tool begins. Painting along just fine and added some details in the height channel, knowing that the height details will be blended with my base normal map on export. Ive been considering a purchase of the Substance tools for some time now, and this tool is intriguing as well. When working in SubPainter, I have loaded my normal map (originally generated from Zbrush) along with my mesh. I have a question about image bit depth for normal maps exported from Substance Painter to Marmoset Toolbag2.

Marmoset toolbag 3 vs substance painter